Saturday, August 04, 2007

Life Takes Visa?

Now, this one is interesting. Recently, Visa began another in their ill-fated 'Life Takes Visa' advertisement series. It's a number of segments depicting how everything flows in perfect harmony and a bliss of spending while Visa cards are thrown around faster than Bicycles at a Texas Hold 'Em tournament. Suddenly, some poor inconsiderate soul uses cash - in the twenty-first century, cash! - and everything comes to a grinding halt as the cashier (irony) has to stop and make change for the money.

Well, I happen to have a Visa. (In fact, I don't know why they bother, as you've got a 50/50 of landing with a Visa and not really any choice in the matter, depending on your bank.) And let me tell you, these commercials are a perfect depiction of reality. I waltz right up to the counter, whip the joyous piece of plastic through the reader...

... what do you mean, "Card declined?"

Swipe again. This time, it stops and really thinks about whether or not it's wise to irritate me any further. Then it apparently decides the laughs are worth it. A third pass through, and it finally works. So now I just have to pick up my stuff and go...

Oh. Right. I have to sign the paper slip. Not that anyone will ever check it. Not that I could ever use it as proof that I didn't make a purchase on the card, should someone ever try to forge it. But it's still required.

Wow. Talk about fast. It only took me four times longer than if I'd just handed over cash. (As opposed to the twice as long it usually takes.) Color me unimpressed. Oh well, at least my Visa can't be stolen without even being touched. Yet.

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